My Summer Adventures
As a young business entrepreneur, I have many passions. One is my favorite past-time activity, rock climbing! Here are my top reasons I find rock climbing so inspiring: 1. Fitness. Climbing is an amazing sport for building muscle, staying flexible,...
Teaching Youth Financial Literacy is a Great Way to Celebrate Juneteenth
A Message From Our CEO There are so many great ways to celebrate Juneteenth; from visiting Black museums to supporting Black owned businesses. I have done these activities in the past, and will continue to do them in the...
6 Ways You Can Help Save the Bees
Bee-informed: Read as much as you can about honeybees and other pollinators! National geographic, the Honeybee Conservative, my Beelieve blog and the American Beekeeping Federation have informative articles about the honeybee and other important pollinators. Shop smart: Buy local honey &...